Friday, May 28, 2010

A Headstart

I'm new in blogging. I don't know anything about this yet. Right now, everything i'm doing in this site is experimental, though, excitement tickles my senses right now. I have so much to write, so much to share, so much to talk about... So i said to myself, what the heck am I waiting for. It's a bit of a now-or-never for me.

One thing that inspires me to start blogging now, is my rediscovered passion for Mythology. "Rediscovered", coz i never knew i have it in me (the passion for it). I started learning about it when I was in college. It was one of our subjects then. An entire semester of gods and goddesses, their doings, their strengths and weaknesses, their love affairs. Basically, everything about them. Imagine discussing it in a very classroom setting manner, in an era with less knowledge on visuals and audio plays. All we did was purely, sleepy, head spinning, never ending discussions. (with matching manila papers with notes on it posted on the board) There were times we performed lame short skits or dramatization. One of my classmates did a diorama (characters and scenes in a box), others did picture plays and stick puppets just to be creative, which i appreciate wholeheartedly, don't get me wrong! (No offense to my professor and classmates) It was quite an effort there... but it did not strike me that much. I felt like it's just an ordinary subject i have to pass in order to graduate and have a degree. Well, that's college!

So, as i was saying, yeah, "rediscovered Mythology" indeed...

As most of us would notice,  a lot of stories, whether old or new (has little, if not fully) are inspired by Mythology. To wit: Troy; Lord of the Rings Trilogy; Harry Potter Series; Clash of the Titans; Percy Jackson Series; etc. There is no doubt, that Mythology is one great foundation for stories nowadays. Even our names are amazingly Mythology inspired too. Mine and my dad's came from a German Mythology called Nibelungelied (A German dragon-slayer named Siegfried). My students' namely: siblings Mercury(messenger of gods) and Venus (goddess of love and beauty), Athena and my half sister Minerva (battle goddess), my cousin Phoebe (a titan/ titan's wife) are among the few examples.

My life story, believe it or not, is comparable to Mythology. My dad being Zeus, having multiple wives, bearing several children and all that! You know the chaos it would bring... all the details and comparisons will be revealed on succeeding posts. My blog title has something to do with Mythology too. My dad being the Shining Armour and I being his son. Must i yield my dad's Shining Armour?Inherit all that he is and all that he has?

To set things straight, i just bought Edith Hamilton's Mythology book just the day before yesterday. Yeah! no kidding! You might think, "this guy is so passionate about Mythology, telling all these and all those, yet he just bought the book, not even read it yet!" YES, i am telling you with all honesty, i have not read it thoroughly. To date, i am just at Ms. Hamilton's foreword and introduction.

This is how we're gonna do it. I'll be reading it, then be blogging it, then be discussing it and be sharing ideas. then you'll be reading my blog, you'll be posting comments... Got it?! This way, we'll be understanding mythology, slowly but surely. The best thing about this is that we are re-learning, re-visiting Mythology all together and we're gonna be having so much fun. Right?!

I am the Shining Armour's son... This is my Odyssey... So who's with me?


  1. You're a great legend Sigfred! I hope you will continue this kind of blog, I'm a fan of yours b'coz your one of a kind.

  2. Thanks man! Ayos na ayos! ur da best!!!

  3. Hail to you brother in blood! It is rightly that mythology be known to everyone again so as to learn and unlearn things in life, dilemmas that affect us entirely in ways of good or evil!!!

    I salute you on this! good luck on your odyssey!

    P.S. - Be the worthy bearer of your legendary name!

  4. Best brother I've ever had. I couldn't ask for more...

    Many thanks to you!

    I'm with you as you recount the tales from your strange lands.

  5. i'm with you sir! :)
    i soo love to learn more about mythology too.
    i'll be waiting for you next blog.^^

  6. Thanks, Athena!

    You should learn about mythology, indeed! After all, you are the battle-goddess, a daughter of Zeus' and his favorite too, who alone, can carry his weapons including his thunderbolt.

    Well, that's bizarre! But really, thanks!

    P.S. I was thinking of you as I wrote the 'Headstart'...

  7. Thank you sir for sharing it, I'm not interested to it before you came, and now teach about mythology I becoming interested.^_^

  8. Thank you sir for sharing it! I love this topic right now although in this past few years I'm not interested to it. But now ehhemmm.... ^_^

  9. thanks mark, it's good to know that you are now interested in mythology. Continue bearing that interest until the end.. hehe!

  10. jeje.^_^... Thanks Sir. God Speed!
